July Events for Teens @ the West Allis Public Library

 A new month is here, and we have a new slate of amazing events for teens at the West Allis Public Library!

Don't forget, the library will be closed on Tuesday July 4th. Are you heading over to Nathan Hale to see the fireworks?

Teen Advisory Board: July 11th: 4:30-5:30 pm: Students going into grades 7-12 are invited to join our Teen Advisory Board! Earn volunteer hours by helping prep for and plan teen activities. We will ask those of you attending for the first time to fill out a short form!

Teen Anime Club: June 11th 6:30-7:30 pm: Do you love anime and manga? Help us pick out the coolest anime to watch, talk about the manga you are reading, and enjoy a snack! 

Friday Fun: July 14th, 3:30-5 pm: The original hang out at the library program. We have games (including the Nintendo Switch) and snacks. You bring friends and hang out!

Teen Art Club: July 18th, 7-8 pm: Come create at the library! This month we will be painting canvas pouches. Of course, we always have drawing supplies!

Random Fandom: Percy Jackson: July 20th, 2-3:30 pm: Break out your orange t-shirt, because we are headed to Camp Half Blood! It's time to celebrate everyone's favorite demigod, Percy Jackson! Snack on some blue foods, try your hand at some Percy Jackson trivia, and make a craft worthy of Mt. Olympus. 

Duel & Dice: July 22nd, 2-4 pm: From Dungeons & Dragons, Munchkins, or even Magic the Gathering, come prepared to join in some nerdy fun! Bring your games, decks, or campaigns, or join of of the library's games!

For more information, check out the library's calendar over at westallislibrary.org/events or follow us on Instagram (@wapl_teenspace)
